Friday, January 25, 2013

Riley's Nursery

It's a girl! Haha. Yes, Dan and I are expecting our first child in June. We are very excited for our little "Rabbit" as we called her before we knew her sex. I had a rough first trimester and found I could only really stomach salads and fruits so I nicknamed her Rabbit and it's basically stuck. haha. Riley Rabbit. Has a pretty nice ring to it. Anyway, I've always wanted to do the artwork for my kids nurseries and I found this really cute picture online. I did add the "Highlights" magazine (Dan and I both loved that magazine as kids) and I added "Pickles the Rabbit" who is sitting by the basket. Dan bought me that stuffed rabbit right before our first ultrasound and she has been my company through the whole pregnancy thus far. I think for my next paintings I will continue to sneak Pickles in random places, just to keep the theme.

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