Monday, December 27, 2010


The truth is, I've been drawing. Painting. Whatever. This is, as I said before, my brother and his wife and Christmas was spectacular this year due to the fact that I was very proud of what I got them...or made for them. Anyway, I finally get to post this and share my joy at their surprised faces and excited words of encouragement. It's what I've needed lately.
I know I finished their drawings. Paintings. Whatever. In October but I have drawn a few things since then. A coworker of mine, Rachel, just had a baby and I drew him. Cute little guy, I guess. I'm not very knowledgeable about babies...anyway, he came out really nice and everyone at work loved him! My boss even went as far to ask why I was working there...little depressing in a way, but also somewhat encouraging. My reply of course was "I ask myself that question every single day."
I also drew a cartoon-like portrait of another coworker, Emilyn, for our secret santa. Everyone loved that one too which I was somewhat surprised at because they are two completely different styles of painting, especially since one was done in quache and the other my usual watercolor and conte. All the same, it was very nice to hear that kind of praise for my work.
I'm supposed to go to an art festival this spring and I've heard there are others nearby as well that I didn't know about. I have to admit I miss that part of Boston, where Ashley and I would be forced to go to random museums we had been to over and over and over and over and over again...good times.
Well, I suppose that's all my ramblings for now.

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