Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Okay so I found the coolest, sexiest photo for the new season of Bones and I love it!!! So I drew my rendition of it...It's a much smaller scale than I'm used to working in (5x8 rather than 9x12) so that was a pretty big challenge for me to get ALL that detail in...I really like how it came out though.
Anyway, still drawing as you can see which I am also very proud of. Only problem now is everyone telling me what kind of career I should have that will match my "field of study." Wouldn't it be grand to draw for the fun of it? I don't work so well under pressure and I've been drawing and painting a lot lately, you'd think they'd understand that stress and art go hand in hand for me, sadly. I'm just enjoying the lack of pressure to create, CReaTE! CREATE!!!! Can't I just live in the moment? Well hopefully my creative streak continues for awhile longer while the overpowering pressure to find a career is set on the back burner. As always, your underachiever is on her way out...

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