Monday, July 11, 2011

Kerri's Wedding Gift

I didn't actually get to go to my friend Kerri's wedding but I did draw a picture of her and her fiance as a wedding gift. It took about 8 hours total and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. When I gave it to her I framed it and brought it to her at work. Of course it was down pouring at the exact moment we were moving it to her car but luckily we used a shopping bag so it turned out okay and made quite a funny story. I haven't drawn anything in pencil since Mason, which I don't count since I didn't do the same amount of detail. The last really detailed drawing I did was of my cousin Jason almost 5 years ago. Anyway, besides drawing I'm currently visiting family in Maine and today I get to see my best friend Charity which I am thrilled about seeing as it's been almost a year since the last time I saw her.

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