Friday, January 28, 2011

One more thing...

I'm really proud of this drawing I did today! I also did another to go with it, but I haven't quite got it looking the way I want. This one however, wow. I used photo reference of myself and I have to say it looks really close to the photo...minus the hair of course. I'm a huge Avatar: The Last Airbender fan so I drew one of my favorite characters, Mai. As a real person more or less...Anyway, I'm very excited about it. Next I have Azula and Ty Lee and hopefully I'll be able to incorporate all the sketches into one group least that's my plan. Wish me luck!


So good news! I finally uploaded this picture! haha. This is a sketch I did from my bachelorette party of me and my closest friends.
On another note, the last picture I drew of Mason didn't end up turning out...I know, he looks like a cute little baby but he looks nothing like her baby. Due to a few mis-communications, or no communication at all I am still in the process of drawing his REAL portrait. I'll keep you posted on my efforts.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So, as I said before, I've been drawing believe it or not. I painted a portrait for a coworker, her son Mason. This is my second piece for her. Besides those two, one of which I still haven't gotten a copy of, I drew a contour drawing of me and my friends at my bachelorette party. I have yet to scan it...I've also been busy scrapbooking which sounds really old lady like but that's kinda how I am. It's very relaxing, more so than drawing sometimes, probably because it takes a bit less effort...a bit. haha. Anyway, I've been obsessed with scrapbooking the few photos I have of my best friend Charity and I. I think with everything going on lately I've been feeling rather lonely without her. Anyway, it's a nice tribute to our friendship and I suppose one craft is better than no creativity at all right?
Also got a call from my school councelor, I've been getting e-mails telling me to take a survey to see who has actually been successful finding a career in their chosen field...anyway, I never replied to any of the numerous e-mails so he called me yesterday. It was probably the most depressing phone call I've ever taken. Not only did I have tell the man I AM unsuccessful but I had to explain just HOW unsuccessful I've been. Of course after I hung up the phone I thought about all the art I've been producing and about the upcoming job I'm applying for that is somewhat art related. Visual Merchandiser so that will be a welcome change if I get it. Do me a favor, wish me luck.